
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Create/Add a Contact Form in GoHighLevel And How To Add Email Automations (Part 1)

When someone submits a form on your site, do you want your website to work for you by contacting that person via automations? 

If so you are in the right place. In this article, we’re going to cover:

  • how to create a contact form in GoHighLevel
  • how to add that form to your website
  • how to add a set of email automations that contacts that prospect for you with helpful info about your company. 

And don’t worry if your website is not in GoHighLevel …

We will cover how to add a contact form to a GoHighLevel site and to a non-GoHighLevel site.

Creating forms and setting up email automations in GoHighLevel can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. This guide will walk you through the entire process, making it easy for you to embed forms on your website and automate your email responses.

Let’s get started! 

Step 1 – Creating A Form In GoHighLevel

The most common form on a website is one where a prospect actually fills out their contact info, and then you get in touch with them. So, that’s the example we’re going to use and create today. 

To get started, you’ll need to create a form.

So, log in to GoHighLevel and click on “Sites” in the left main menu.

Then, in the top menu, click on Forms > Builder.

Click on “Create New Form.”

You can see GoHighLevel gives us a starting point with this generic form.

First things first, let’s name the form. You can see it’s currently named “Form 0” at the very top. 

For this example, this form is going to be on my contact page of a sample law firm site. So, I’m going to call the form “Contact Form – Website.”

Now, you may choose to use the default fields that GoHighLevel gives you or you can personalize them.

In this case, we are going to personalize them. You have a better chance of someone filling out a shorter form.  So, we are going to delete the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields by hovering over them and clicking the “x.”

Then, we will add the “Full Name” field instead.  

To do this, click on the “Add Form Element” button.  It is the plus sign at the top left of the screen.

Then, select “Full Name” and drag it on to the form at the top.

Now, your prospect has to enter their full name, their email, and their phone number. 

The Asterisk next to the field name means that it is a required field. So if you want people to enter the field, be sure that you have “Required” checked on the right.

In this example, we are not going to require texts. We just are going to have them enter their phone number, so we can get in touch with them as a prospect. Therefore, we will get rid of the SMS permissions field as well by clicking on the “x” again for this field.

Custom Fields in GoHighLevel

In our example, we want to allow people to write a message when they submit the contact form. Because we are using a sample law firm website, we are going to ask for some information about their case.  

To do this, we need to create a Custom Field in GoHighLevel.

This will require you to save the form and click on the “Back” button in the upper left-hand corner so you can see the main left-hand menu again.

Then, click on “Settings”, which is the last choice of the main menu on the left.

Then, once you are in the “Settings” menu, click on “Custom Fields.”

Click on “Add Field” in the upper right-hand corner.

As you can see, you can create almost any type of field, such as dates, times, text etc.

In this example, we are going to choose “Multi-Line.”

You will name your custom field, which is the “Label” of the field on the form.  You can also select a default value if you would like for the “Placeholder” field.

In the “Group” field, you will select where you want your custom field to show in the Contact’s profile. I almost always select “Additional Info” so my fields are separated from the default GoHighLevel fields.

Finally, if you expand the “Additional preferences” section, you can see what GoHighLevel is going to name the field within its unique keys. You can add a description of the field here, as well.

For this example, we named the field “Tell Us About Your Case” and selected “Additional Info” for the Group.

Click Save and your custom GoHighLevel field is live!

Click on “Go Back” to return to the “Form Builder” section and click on your form to open it again.

Now when you look at the available Form Elements, click on the “Custom Fields” tab to see your new field available to add.

Drag that element onto the form.

So now we have the full name, the email, the phone number, and tell us about your case. 

Do you want to add additional text to the GoHighLevel form? 

Maybe add a heading at the top?

Go back to the form elements and scroll to the bottom.  This is where the static elements are, like text and images.

For this example, let’s add a title to the form.

Grab the “Text” element and drag it to the top of the form.

You can add the title text in the settings on the right.

You can also change the font, font weight, color etc. using these settings as well.

At the bottom of the form, you can see that they by default provide you with a placeholder to put links to your “Privacy Policy” and your “Terms of Service.” You can delete the whole element if you would like to be clicking on that “x” to the right when you hover over the element.

However, because it is a form where people are entering data, for legal reasons, it is a GREAT idea to leave that text there and link to the policies that your website has.

To create that link, make sure that you have the text element selected on the form and highlight the “Privacy Policy” text.  

Once it’s highlighted, click on the 3 vertical dots symbol to get more options for the menu and select the symbol for the hyperlink.

This will trigger a pop-up where you will add the link to your website’s privacy policy and click on “Confirm.”

Once you click “Confirm,” you have an active URL.

Repeat this process and add the link to the terms of service. Be sure to click “Save” so all of your hard work is saved!

Now that the form is basically completed, let’s talk about the button, that bright shiny button that you want people to click!

So, you need to click on the button to bring up all of the settings on the right.

First, instead of the word “Button,” change the text to be something that will encourage users to submit their data.

In this example, we are just going to put “Submit Your information.”

In addition, there is an option to add “Sub Text,” which can explain the button’s use a bit more. It’s fairly popular to add a small message about not selling the data that is being submitted, so that is what we will change that text to.

Once you have your  text finalized, you will want to change the color of the button and the text so that it goes along with your branding.

Scroll down through the settings and you’ll find the ability to change the background, the text color and the sub text color.

In this example, we are going to change the button to be blue and all of the text to be white.

We now have a great looking button that will go within our website. Click Save to finish that part.

Once you have the form fields set up and the button the way you want it, it’s time to complete the general form information to finish the form up.

To get to this section called “Styles and Options,” click on the “Styles and Options” icon, which looks like 2 toggles in the upper-right corner of the screen.

If you scroll through everything that is available to you under “Styles,” there are a lot of changes you can make.

You can toggle agency branding on and off, you add a background image, you can add a header image, you can add custom CSS, etc. Basically, you can change the look of the form to be anything that you want it to be.

These settings are a bit more complicated and will be gone over more thoroughly in an upcoming video.  In this example, we are going to leave those alone and go to the “Options” tab.

Whenever a form is submitted, there are two main options (for this example) that can happen. The form can show a message that the form was submitted successfully, or the form can take you to a different URL.

So if you click on “Open URL,” you can actually put a whole new different page on here. A lot of people will choose this option if they are tracking conversions using Google Ads or Facebook Ads.  

Since this is a simple example, we are just going to have a success message.

The default success message that the form gives you is “Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.”

This message is fine, but I normally like to add a small bit at the end to customize it to my business tone…so, I added, “We will be in touch as soon as possible.” 

I like to give people a timeline for their submissions. If you want to add a line like this, add a timeline that you are comfortable with.  Most service-based businesses will include a message about being in touch within the next 5-15 minutes.

One more thing that is unique to GoHighLevel – “Sticky Contact.”

If you scroll the whole way to the bottom of the “Options” section, you’ll see a toggle for “Sticky Contact” turned off by default. If you turn this on, it will auto-complete the forms for the prospect if they have ever submitted anything else on your website before.

While this speeds up the process a little bit, we generally recommend keeping this turned off for a one-step form to our clients. If there are two steps, two sets of forms to complete, then we recommend turning this on.

For this example, we are leaving it turned off.

Don’t forget to click “Save” when you have completed all of the final steps for the form!

To summarize the entire form, a prospect will fill in their name, email, phone number and hopefully a little bit of information about their case. They will press the submit button and they will see a message thanking them and letting them know that someone will be in touch soon.

Let’s move on to part two, which is adding this form to the website. 

Step 2 - How to Add A GoHighLevel Form To A Website

Adding our new form to a GoHighLevel website is fairly straightforward.

In this example, I will be adding the form to the “Contact” page of a sample law firm website.

Go to your GoHighLevel website page that you want to add the form to and click on “Edit.”

Once we are inside the contact page, you will want to decide where you want to add the form.

Click on “Add Element” where you want the form to be located.

Then, select the “Form” element.

Once you click on the “Form” element, this will bring up a pop-up that has all of your available forms for the website.

Select the form that you just created in Part 1 of this article.

Once the form is selected, the screen will refresh and you should see the form that you created within the webpage.

Click “Save” and your form is ready to go for your website.

So, that is a very quick and easy way to add a form to your website using GoHighLevel. 

What do you do if you have a website that is NOT in GoHighLevel?

This is fairly easy as well.

Go back to the form that you created in Part 1 and click on the “Integrate button.”

The “Integrate” button gives you a bunch of options for different things that you can do with the form.

In most cases, people want to embed the form on their website. This means that they are going to choose the “Inline” option, which is the default.

Then, click on the “Copy Embed Code” button.

This button gives you all of the code needed to place your form on any website, no matter what that website is coded in. So, you can use WordPress, Wix, SquareSpace, Drupal etc.

Then, open the website editor where you want the form to be and add an HTML element to it. Once you can add code to the HTML editor, paste the embed code to your editor.

The code will look something like this:

Save the code and you should have a form that looks exactly like the one that you created in GoHighLevel embedded on your website.

Check out Part 2 of this article, which will create the automation set that alerts you to the submission and sends the prospect a set of emails!

Cupid’s Key to Crafting Valentine’s Day Cards for Your Customers and Clients Using Canva

Valentine’s Day is a special occasion that businesses can leverage to connect with their clients or customers on a personal level. Sending a heartfelt Valentine’s Day card not only shows appreciation for their patronage, but it can also help forge stronger relationships and foster a sense of community. In this guide, you’ll learn how to use Canva, a user-friendly graphic design tool, to create a creative and professional Valentine’s Day card that will leave a lasting impression on your clients or customers.

Choose a Template or Start from Scratch

Canva offers a wide range of Valentine’s Day card templates that can save you time and effort. To access these templates, simply visit Canva’s website and search for “Valentine’s Day card” or a related keyword. Browse through the available templates and select one that best suits your company’s branding and the message you want to convey. If you prefer to start from scratch, click on the “Create a design” button and choose a custom size for your card. A popular choice for Valentine’s Day cards is a 5×7-inch (horizontal or vertical) format, but you can also opt for a standard 4×6-inch card size. 

Add your Brand’s Style

Once you’ve chosen a template or started a new design, it’s time to customize it to reflect your company’s branding and the message you want to convey. Here are some tips to help you create a unique and eye-catching Valentine’s Day card:

  1. Use your brand colors: Add your company’s colors to the card to make it instantly recognizable and reinforce your brand identity. You can do this by selecting the “Color” tool in Canva’s sidebar and choosing your brand’s primary and secondary colors.
  2. Add your company’s logo: Incorporate your company’s logo to make the card more professional and memorable. You can upload your logo to Canva by clicking on the “Uploads” tab on the left-hand sidebar and selecting your logo file. Once uploaded, drag and drop it onto your card design.
  3. Choose an appropriate font: Select a font that complements your brand and the message you want to convey. Canva offers a wide range of fonts, from classic and elegant to modern and playful. Experiment with different fonts and sizes to find the perfect combination for your card.
  4. Add a personalized message: Write a heartfelt and personalized message that expresses your appreciation for your clients or customers. Keep the message concise and focused on the value they bring to your company. You can add text to your card by clicking on the “Text” tab on the left-hand sidebar and selecting a text box.

Customize with Team Photos and Selfies

To add a touch of camaraderie and a personal connection to your Valentine’s Day cards, consider incorporating team selfies into the design. This not only humanizes your brand but also showcases the people behind the business, fostering a sense of familiarity with your clients. To enhance the visual appeal of these selfies, utilize Canva’s background removal feature to eliminate any distractions. This ensures that the focus remains on the team members themselves. Take it a step further by injecting a dose of humor through the addition of fun photo backgrounds to use in your card. Canva’s extensive photo library provides a plethora of options, allowing you to customize the selfies with playful and lighthearted graphic “props” and backdrops. This creative touch not only brings a smile to your clients’ faces but also reinforces a positive and approachable image for your brand.

Add Some Sweet Stickers

Add Valentine’s Day-themed Elements To make your Valentine’s Day card more festive and engaging, consider adding themed elements such as hearts, flowers, or Cupid. Canva offers a vast library of Valentine’s Day-themed graphics and illustrations that you can use to enhance your card design. Here’s how to access and add these elements to your card:

  1. Search for Valentine’s Day elements: On the left-hand sidebar, click on the “Elements” tab and type “Valentine’s Day” or a related keyword into the search bar. Browse through the available elements and select those that best suit your card design.
  2. Customize the elements: Once you’ve added an element to your card, you can customize it by changing its color, size, and orientation. To do this, select the element and use the options in the top toolbar to make your desired changes.

Change out the Font For a Festive Feel

Typography can elevate the overall design of your Valentine’s Day card. Experiment with different fonts to find a combination that complements your message and aligns with your brand. Canva provides a variety of font options, including script, serif, and sans-serif styles. The possibilities are endless!

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Take your Valentine’s Day card to the next level by adding a QR code that links to a personalized video message or a special offer. This interactive element adds a modern touch and engages your clients in a unique way. Canva allows you to generate QR codes and seamlessly integrate them into your design.

Once you’re satisfied with your Valentine’s Day card design, it’s time to bring it to life. Canva offers printing services, or you can download the design and print it locally. Consider factors such as paper quality and finish to ensure the final product meets your expectations.

Decide on the most effective way to distribute your Valentine’s Day cards to clients. If you have a physical office, hand-delivering cards adds a personal touch. Alternatively, mailing cards with a personalized note shows thoughtfulness and consideration. Canva also allows you to create digital versions that can be sent via email or shared on social media.

There You Have It!

Sending Valentine’s Day cards to your clients is a meaningful gesture that strengthens your professional relationships. With Canva’s user-friendly interface and versatile design features, you can easily create personalized and visually appealing cards that reflect your appreciation. Follow this comprehensive guide to craft memorable Valentine’s Day cards that leave a lasting impression on your clients and contribute to the growth of your business.

Need some help with your marketing strategy? 

Give IFTS a call at 412-559-7177 or email us at si@iftsdesign.com 

Email Deliverability and the Upcoming Google Email Apocalypse

Do you or your business send mass emails to your clients from services like GoHighLevel, MailChimp, Active Campaign or others?

If so, your email deliverability may be in danger!  Simply put, your clients and prospects may stop seeing your emails in their inboxes.

Why is this?

Late last year, Google announced that they will be implementing new email security checks starting February 1, 2024.  They will also change the way that emails are accepted into the inbox.  

If you don’t meet these new requirements – NO INBOX FOR YOU!

Once Google made this announcement, other email providers jumped on this train as well, such as Yahoo and AOL.

So, what are these new sending requirements and how do you reach compliance?

Let’s talk about that…

Only Send Emails Using Your Branded Sending Domain

Make sure more people see your emails by taking charge of how your emails look. You can do this by creating a special sending name that represents you. This way, you won’t have the standard “sent via msgsndr.com” message, and your emails will have a better chance of reaching inboxes. 

If you send a lot of emails to Google and Yahoo users, you’ll need to set up this special sending name starting in February. Just remember, it might take 2 to 4 weeks for everything to work smoothly after you set it up.

So, when your bulk email program asks who the sender is and the name, be sure to use you@yourdomain.com

DMARC Email Authentication

Okay, this is about to get fairly technical, so put on your IT hat (or get the nearest teenager to help you)…

DMARC stands for Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance.  

It’s a type of TXT record that you add to your DNS records.  

DMARC, which stands for Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance, is a rule that makes SPF and DKIM even better. It tells email providers what to do with emails that pretend to be from your business but don’t pass SPF or DKIM checks. This helps protect your business from fake or deceptive emails.

To create the record, follow these 5 steps

  1. Sign into your domain registrar and create a new record
  2. Select “TXT” as the type
  3. Set the “host” to _DMARC
  4. Set the “value” to v=DMARC1; p=none;
  5. Save the record and wait about 30 minutes for it to propagate

When setting up DMARC, you need to choose a policy for your emails—either none, quarantine, or reject. While Gmail suggests starting with “none” for basic protection, for stronger security, consider using “reject” or “quarantine.” 

However, be careful because this requires extra work to make sure it includes all the companies that send emails on behalf of your business. If you don’t set it up right, it could affect how your emails get delivered. 

Work with your tech experts to set up DMARC correctly and keep your emails safe.

To see if your settings work, send an email to a Gmail account and take a look at the header.  You should see that the email will PASS 3 times.

You can also check your records here: https://dmarcian.com/dmarc-inspector/

Keep the Brand Consistent

Make sure your email looks professional and is easily recognized by using the same domain for your “from” address as your main branded domain.

To follow DMARC rules, the domain in your “from” address should be the same as the main domain of your branded sending name. For instance, if your branded sending name is “lc.iftsdesign.com,” the main domain is “iftsdesign.com.” 

So, if you use “hello@iftsdesign.com” as your “from” address, it stays in line with the main domain. This helps keep everything connected and trustworthy.

Don’t Send As Gmail or Yahoo

Do you send emails via MailChimp or Active Campaign from ‘you’@gmail.com or ‘you’@yahoo.com?

Simple Solution – it’s time to stop.  Only send mass emails from your domain.

Mail providers like Gmail and Yahoo are getting more strict with their policies around the DMARC record.  So, if you are sending from one of the generic mail providers, it could affect if you land in the inbox vs the spam folder.

Unsubscribing Should Be Easy

These new requirements are all about making a person’s email inbox safer.  This includes them ONLY receiving emails they want.

So, how do you do this?

Make your unsubscribe option easy to find and one-click.

Place an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every mass email you send, which is where most people expect to find it.  

Be sure to check any pre-scheduled emails that you have…do they have an unsubscribe easily available?

Final Requirement – Keep Your Spam Rating Below 0.30%

Only send emails to people who want to receive them.  This is easy to do.

If too many people say your emails are spam, it can cause trouble. 

How many people is too many? 3 out of 1000…0.30%

What can happen if your spam rate goes above this?

Your emails might:

  • be late, 
  • go to the spam folder, 
  • or not be sent at all

Stay below 0.30%!

But how do you know what the spam rate is?

You can check Yahoo spam complaints in the Spam Reports. However, Gmail keeps their Spam Reports private. 

If you want to keep an eye on Gmail complaints, use Google Postmaster Tools. You’ll have to sign up with your domain and add a TXT record to prove that you own it.

This helps make sure your emails go where they’re supposed to without any problems.

Not Sure What To Do Next?

If this seems like a lot to accomplish, or you are not quite sure where to start, give IFTS a call at 412-559-7177 or email us at si@iftsdesign.com  

We have put together a package that will:

  • Audit your domain records
  • Review your deliverability
  • Set up the requirements from above
  • Get more emails delivered to your list