
Facebook Page Scheduled For Permanent Deletion Scam: DO NOT CLICK…

facebook page deletion scam

In the digital age, where social media platforms have become an integral part of our lives, it’s not uncommon to receive notifications about our accounts. However, there’s a recent wave of spam notifications circulating on Facebook, causing panic and confusion among users.

These notifications claim that your account has been flagged and prompt you to click a link, often leading to malicious websites or phishing scams.

What’s more concerning is the tactic scammers are now employing: leaving fake reviews on Facebook pages with alarming text to further bait unsuspecting users into their trap.

Looking out for the latest Facebook scam tactic

One of the latest tactics used by scammers is to leave fake reviews on Facebook pages, further adding to the illusion of legitimacy.

These reviews often mimic the language used in the spam notifications, urging users to click on suspicious links or provide personal information under the guise of resolving an account issue.

Here are some examples of fake reviews that are being left with spammy messaging.

Facebook review scam
Facebook review scam

So, why should you not fall for these scams?

First and foremost, Facebook does not communicate issues with your account through unsolicited notifications or reviews left on pages. Legitimate communications from Facebook regarding your account will typically be sent through official channels within the platform or via email. Therefore, any unexpected messages or reviews should be treated with skepticism.

Another key giveaway that these reviews are coming from spam accounts is the name of the account that posts the review. 

Clicking on links provided in these spam notifications or reviews can lead to a variety of malicious outcomes, including phishing attempts to steal your personal information, installation of malware on your device, or even hijacking your account altogether.

By clicking on these links, you’re essentially handing over control to the scammers, putting your privacy and security at risk.

What should you do if you encounter these spam notifications or fake reviews?

  • Do not click on any suspicious links: Exercise caution and refrain from clicking on any links provided in unsolicited notifications or reviews.
  • Report and remove fake reviews: If you come across fake reviews on your Facebook page or any other page, report them to Facebook immediately. You can do this by clicking on the three dots next to the review and selecting the appropriate option to report it.
  • Monitor your account for suspicious activity: Regularly check your account for any unauthorized changes or activity. This includes monitoring your login history, reviewing recent posts or messages made on your behalf, and keeping an eye out for any unfamiliar friend requests or messages.
  • Stay informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest scams and phishing tactics circulating on social media platforms. Awareness is key to protecting yourself and your information online.

While receiving notifications about your Facebook account might cause concern, it’s essential to remain vigilant and skeptical of unsolicited messages or reviews.

By staying informed and taking proactive measures to protect your account, you can safeguard yourself against falling victim to scams and phishing attempts. Remember, when in doubt, always err on the side of caution and verify the legitimacy of any communication before taking action.

IFTS Client Highlight – David Klappenberger

My name is David Klappenberger. I founded Klappenberger & Son while working as a dishwasher in a restaurant. One of the guys at the bar said, Hey, would you like to paint a townhouse for me? I was 16 years old at the time. So I did some painting, then just got started distributing some fliers around the neighborhood before eventually letting it go.

My second start came while I was in college. I was working as a bartender at Red Lobster when I overheard a regional manager discussing getting some red lobsters painted. And, believe it or not, despite my lack of experience, I offered him an estimate. And I did it. I painted three red lobsters inside and out and thought, I could make money doing this. So in 1989, I got sucked in by painting some red lobsters. And after graduating from college, I went straight into painting.

After building my business for 25 years, we fixed some work by another well-known painting franchise. We fixed their work many times. I went into a Sherwin Williams store, and I was talking to the lady behind the counter, and I said, “I could do a better job than that franchise,” and she said, “Well, why don’t you do it?” So I did it.

I had to convince my wife, which took another three or four months. Then I spent a couple years creating the franchise and putting everything together—training videos and everything that I had in my head had to come out and be replicable and duplicatable. That was my big two words that I kept on using: it has to be replicable and duplicatable. And that’s what I tried to create.

David’s Advice for Other Painting Business Owners

First and foremost, self-reflection is crucial. To enhance your company, you must assess your limitations. The success of any company relies on its leader. Rather than blaming others or external factors, focus on your weaknesses—whether it’s leadership, lack of focus, discipline, or enthusiasm. Avoid pointing fingers at mistakes or external challenges; instead, look in the mirror and evaluate yourself. Develop skills to become a better person, acknowledging that change requires effort.

Entrepreneurial success hinges on personal improvement. This includes refining leadership qualities. Treat people with respect, but hold them accountable. Eliminate mediocre team members, as a company can’t thrive with average or inconsistent crews. Convincing customers of your value is secondary; the primary focus should be on maintaining skilled and reliable teams.

Avoid the trap of being overly friendly or accommodating with subpar subcontractors. Running a business is not a social or babysitting club; it’s a profit-driven endeavor. Letting go of underperforming team members is essential for growth and reducing stress. In business, the goal is to make a profit, pay bills, and have financial flexibility without stressing over expenses.

What Is It Like Working with IFTS?

Your company has done a fantastic job. I’ve had a long history of dealing with SEO and digital marketing companies since the mid-90s, and finding the right ones has been challenging. Many companies promise results in six months to a year, but often, it ends up being a substantial investment with no improvement. The cycle repeats with each new company, resulting in wasted time and money.

In contrast, your team has been outstanding. Unlike others, you’ve been responsive and transparent, avoiding the typical “wait six to twelve months” talk. Since working with you, we’ve experienced a significant increase in SEO traffic, a level we’ve never achieved before. 

What sets your team apart is the emphasis on teaching me about website design and SEO to handle some of the work myself, saving costs and aligning with the goal of making things work efficiently. I appreciate your team’s approach to not just fixing my errors but also guiding and teaching me. It has been a great collaboration, and I am truly satisfied with the results.

Do Not Click… Common Schemes to Look Out for Over the Holidays and Beyond

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and unfortunately, increased cyber threats. As we exchange gifts and festive greetings online, cybercriminals are working diligently to exploit the holiday spirit for their own gain. It’s crucial to stay vigilant and informed about the common cyber schemes that tend to surge during this time of year and beyond. Here are some examples to help you navigate the digital landscape safely.

1. Phishing Scams: Naughty Emails in Disguise

Phishing scams are a perennial threat, but they often become more sophisticated during the holidays. Cybercriminals send emails that appear to be from reputable sources, such as shipping companies or online retailers, asking recipients to confirm personal information or track a package. Clicking on the links in these emails can lead to malware installation or credential theft.

Example: You receive an email or text message claiming to be from a well-known delivery service, asking you to click on a link to track a package. Before you click, verify the sender’s email address or phone number and double-check with the actual delivery service through their official website or customer service.

2. Can You Hear Me? The Phone Call Scam That Speaks Volumes

In this devious phone scam, scammers ask innocent-sounding questions like “Can you hear me?” or “Is this [your name]?” during a call. The twist? They’re recording your response with the sinister intent of using it against you later. A casual “Yes” from you becomes a voice recording in their hands, ready to be manipulated to make it seem like you’ve agreed to fraudulent charges or entered into a fake contract. Stay alert to these audio schemes during the holiday season!

Example: you receive a call from an unfamiliar number. The caller, using a friendly tone, asks, “Can you hear me okay?” Instead of responding with a straightforward “Yes,” respond with phrases like “I can hear you fine” or inquire about the caller’s identity before providing any affirmative answer.

3. Gift Card Scams: 'Tis Better to Receive Than Be Deceived

Gift cards are a popular and convenient present during the holiday season, but cybercriminals have found ways to exploit them. Scammers may impersonate friends or family, asking for gift card codes via email or social media, claiming they need help or are in a difficult situation.

Example: You receive a message from a friend urgently asking for gift card codes to help them out of a supposed tight spot. Always verify such requests through a separate means of communication before taking any action.

4. Facebook Business Account Removal Scam: Protecting Your Online Presence

Scammers are deploying a new tactic to exploit business owners on social media platforms. The Facebook Business Account Removal Scam is a scheme that preys on the fear of losing one’s online presence. 

Example: Business owners receive a Facebook message claiming to be from the platform’s support team. The message warns that their business account is at risk of removal due to policy violations or unauthorized activities. To rectify the supposed issue, the scammer instructs the user to click on a link or provide sensitive information.

Fear of losing access to a business account can prompt quick and unthinking reactions. Clicking on the provided link may lead to a phishing site designed to steal login credentials or inject malware into the user’s device. Alternatively, providing personal information directly to the scammer could result in identity theft or unauthorized access to business-related accounts.

Authentic communication from Facebook will generally come through official channels. Double-check the sender’s profile, and if in doubt, contact Facebook directly through their official support channels.

5. Social Media Scams: Festive Frauds in Your Feed

With the increased use of social media during the holidays, scammers leverage these platforms for various schemes. Be cautious of fake contests, giveaways, or friend requests from unfamiliar profiles.

Example: You come across a post claiming to offer a fantastic holiday giveaway, requiring you to input personal information. Always verify the legitimacy of such offers directly through the official channels of the alleged organizer.

Give The Gift of Cybersecurity Awareness

As the holiday season unfolds with joy and festivities, it also brings an unfortunate surge in cyber threats. In the spirit of giving and connecting online, cybercriminals are tirelessly working to exploit vulnerabilities. To navigate this digital landscape safely, arm yourself with knowledge about prevalent scams, from phishing emails to phone call schemes, gift card cons, and social media deceptions.

Click carefully, respond to calls wisely, and double-check before sharing sensitive info. Remember, the most wonderful time of the year should also be the most secure time in the digital realm.

Share this information with friends and family to ensure a safe and secure online experience this season.