
What is an SSL Certificate and Does My Website Need One?

Previously, the popular opinion on SSL certificates was that the only sites that needed them were ones that collected personally identifiable information (such as a social security number), had a login feature or had a shopping cart/check out function (such as online banking, eBay or PayPal).

SSL stands for “Secure Sockets Layer” and it encrypts the connection between the client and server when browsing a website.  This is important because it makes the information that the user inputs on your website unreadable to anyone except your server.  It also makes your site more difficult to impersonate, and thus, your customers are less susceptible to phishing schemes.

Green SSL Security Button on white background.
Example SSL Security Button

An easy way to tell that an SSL certificate is being used on a website is an “https” in front of the domain name in the address bar.  Additionally, the browser will typically display a lock icon in the address bar or it will turn the address bar green.  According to this blog article by Google Webmaster Trends Analysts, Google is now looking for all websites to have SSL certificates.  They have called for “HTTPS everywhere on the web” to make the internet a safer place.  In fact, whether or not your site has an SSL certificate is now in their search-ranking algorithm.  This algorithm decides the order that webpages show up on Google results.  Therefore, to have a website perform to its highest standard, an SSL certificate is required.

How do I get an SSL certificate and how much will it cost?

To have an SSL certificate installed on your website, talk to your website hosting company.  They should be able to install the certificate and redirect your web traffic to the secure site.  This way, even if the non-secure version of your site is typed in the browser, visitors will be redirected seamlessly to the secure version.  In addition, you should resubmit your sitemap to Google and ensure that the default version of your domain that Google displays in the search results is the one protected by your SSL.

The annual cost of an SSL certificate can range from around fifty dollars to thousands.  The expensive certificates have a greater degree of encryption, have a greater brand recognition (e.g. Symantec), and are generally used when protecting social security numbers or banking information.  For a small to medium-sized business looking to protect their site visitors, one of the less expensive certificates should suffice as long as it uses 2048-bit key certificates.  Again, this is something to discuss with your webhost.

What is Responsive Web Design and Do I Need It?

Responsive web design (RWD) is a nifty and innovative technique that dynamically adjusts how your website presents itself and interacts with users, based on the device they are using. In today’s digital landscape, where mobile devices have surpassed desktops in terms of usage since 2014, almost all modern websites employ RWD. It’s undeniable that designing a website solely for desktops won’t cut it anymore when it comes to delivering a seamless user experience on mobile devices.

When mobile versions of websites were introduced in the past, they often lacked full functionality and content compared to their desktop counterparts. Users were not willing to compromise when accessing websites on their tablets or phones. However, responsive design entered the scene and saved the day by ensuring that all information and functionality were available to users, regardless of the device they were using. The only difference lies in how the content is displayed.

To get a better idea of how responsive web design works, take a look at Integrity First Corporation’s stylish website. Their website serves as an excellent example of how RWD seamlessly adapts to different devices. The screenshots provided below showcase how the site appears on desktops, tablets, and phones, highlighting the flexibility and adaptability of responsive design.

Figure 1. INF Desktop Screenshot

Figure 1 is the site on a desktop.  Note how the main menu and social media information is to the far right.

Figure 2. INF Tablet Screenshot

Figure 2 is the site on a tablet.  Note how the main menu and social media information go across the whole top of the page now because the available screen display is reduced.  Additionally, the mountain picture is smaller and has lesser resolution to speed load time.

Figure 3. INF Mobile Phone Screenshot

Finally, Figure 3 is the site on a mobile phone.  Because phones have a much smaller processor in them, the main picture drops completely and only the information is displayed to increase load time.  The menu is now a drop-down in the upper-right hand corner so that it takes up less valuable viewing space.  Additionally, the phone number is now a link that when touched, will prompt your phone to dial it.

If you are currently in the process of creating a website or giving your existing one a facelift, it is crucial to ensure that it is responsive. While it may require some extra effort during the designing and building phases, the benefits of a responsive website will more than make up for it in the end. By attracting and retaining satisfied customers, you will create a positive user experience that sets your website apart from the competition.

Let us know if you need help with improving your website design by contacting si@iftsdesign.com!