
Attorneys – Elevate Your Online Presence By Removing These NINE Key Elements From Your Law Firm’s Website

Are you tired of your website feeling more like a legal labyrinth that requires a map and guide than a client-friendly portal?

Are visitors on the site lost in a sea of legal jargon, unable to figure out what action to take?

Do you always have to tell people where information is on your website rather than them easily being able to find it?

Well, you are in the right place because your law firm website makeover starts now.

Picture this: a website that not only showcases your legal abilities but also captivates online visitors from the moment that they land on your site.  Imagine a digital platform that not only informs, but engages users, turning them from information seekers to eager clients that want to pay you for your services.

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where you get 50 milliseconds for a person to judge your website, make it count.  Your site is your virtual storefront, your best salesperson and your online greeter all rolled into one…it’s also your ticket to reaching a broader audience full of potential clients.

Here’s the kicker – in order for your website to thrive in the competitive world of online legal marketing, you have to ditch outdated tactics and embrace a fresh approach that speaks directly to your target audience.

So, if you are prepared to say good-bye to cookie-cutter sites and hello to an amazing new website that gets you clients, let’s get started!  It’s time to unleash the power of your legal acumen and make a lasting impression in the digital realm.

So, what are the 9 elements that you need to remove from your law firm’s website to accomplish all of this?

Element 1 To Remove - Unclear Brand Messaging

Make sure that your homepage communicates your firm’s specialty in a succinct way, right at the top of the page.  Don’t make site visitors guess what you do.  They need to know immediately that they are in the right place with the right firm.

Avoid using vague headlines like “Leading Law Firm” or “We Get You Legal Results Fast”.

Instead, opt for more descriptive statements such as “Expertise in Corporate Law For Startups” or “We Take Women Through Every Step Of A Divorce”.

If you can call out your ideal client and how you will help them, you will have great messaging that makes them want to learn more and stay on the site.

Element 2 To Remove - Ambiguous Navigation Labels

Site visitors need to know where to go on your website intuitively.

Instead of having a page that lists out all of your areas of practice, create one page per practice area.  Not only does this make navigation easier, but it helps with your website’s SEO as well by having keywords in the menu.

practice areas listed in menu

You should also do this with the areas that you serve.  Instead of having one page that talks about your service area, create independent pages for each of the cities or towns.  This makes it much easier for a site visitor to know that your firm is in his or her area and can help.

service areas listed in menu

Element 3 To Remove - Generic Subheadings On Website Pages

Get the attention of your visitors with specific subheadlines that engage them immediately.  

You want them to say “This firm is for me” when they are reading the text on your site.

Instead of using a header like “Our Services”, try something more descriptive like:

  • “Comprehensive Family Law Representation”
  • “Strategic Criminal Defense Tactics”
  • “Starting A Business in 7 Steps”

When you make the subheadings specific, it allows a site visitor to self identify as a potential client.

In addition, more specific subheaders are great for telling the search engines like Google what your firm does and should help with your site rankings.

Element 4 To Remove - Slideshow Overload

Avoid overwhelming your visitors with excessive slideshows with multiple slides.

Streamline your pages to highlight key services or unique selling points effectively. Important information should not be hidden in a slide that someone has to wait for.

Not only that, but slideshows do not do well with accessibility for anyone accessing your site with a disability, so they may not get the information that they need. 

Our bodies are hardwired to react to movement, so if you have a moving element on your website, it’s distracting.  You never want anything on your website to distract from your messaging and stop someone from hiring you.

Element 5 To Remove - Inauthentic Imagery

Yes, stock images with pretty people and perfect lighting make your website pretty for YOU to look at.  Your web designer probably thinks that it is pretty too.

However, it comes across as really inauthentic and boring.

When people are looking for a lawyer, they want to be able to see YOU and your team.  People hire people, they don’t hire businesses.  They want to make a connection. Stock images make it impossible for a potential client to make a connection.

It doesn’t matter if the lighting is a bit off or you need to lose those extra 5 pounds, an authentic picture comes across as a human that they can trust.

Build trust with potential clients by using authentic images that reflect your firm’s identity.  Replace generic stock photos with genuine pictures of your team, office or clients (with consent of course) to convey credibility.

Bonus points if you let them know just a bit about your personal life, like sharing a picture of your dog or you at a local baseball game.  You’d be surprised by how many people connect with you in that way.

Element 6 To Remove - Social Media Distractions

Have you ever noticed the websites that have the firm’s social media icons at the top of the page above the menu?

Well, I can guarantee you that they are losing more traffic than they would like.

By putting the social icons at the top of the page, you are just begging your visitors to click off of your page…and get sucked into the attention time sink that is social media. By the time that they are done checking their notifications and seeing the latest Reels, they may have completely forgotten that they started at your website.

Minimize this distraction by moving the social media icons to your footer and on your “Contact Us” page.  This prevents visitors from being redirected away from your site and maintains their focus on your legal services.  It also puts your social media pages at an easy to find spot.

Element 7 To Remove - Outdated Content

Keep your website relevant by updating or removing outdated content.

If your blog templates have dates on them, remove them.  If the date is important, put it in the title or the text.

Most legal articles will be evergreen, so you don’t want people to click away because the article is 10 years old.  If it’s still good information, they should read it.  Don’t make it easy for them to dismiss.

Element 8 To Remove - Unreadable Content Blocks

Which paragraph looks easier to read?

content block that is difficult to read
Option 1


easy-to-read content block
Option 2

I think that most people would agree that Option 2 is much easier to read than option 1.  It has whitespace and gives the eye somewhere to rest.

Improve readability by breaking up dense paragraphs.  Some of the ways that you can do this include:

  • Shorter sections
  • Utilizing bullet points
  • Use easy to understand headlines
  • Highlight or bold key points that you want to draw the eye to

See what I did above?  I just made that easier for you to read by breaking it up into bullet points.

You want to do your best to enhance the user experience by making information more digestible and accessible. 79% of people scan new pages that they come across, so the text needs to be formatted to grab their attention.  Blocks of text just won’t work.

Element 9 To Remove - Excessive Legal Jargon

Simplify your website’s language by eliminating excessive legal jargon that may alienate or confuse visitors. 

Yes, your content may sound “legal” or impress your colleagues, but that’s not who your website is for.  

When writing your content, ask yourself (just like in law school), cui bono, who benefits? 

If the answer to your question is not “My potential or current clients”, you know what to do.

Instead of bombarding potential clients with complex legalese, strive for clear and concise communication that everyone can understand. Remove dense paragraphs filled with technical terms and replace them with plain language that resonates with your target audience.

By cutting through the legal mumbo-jumbo, you’ll make your website more accessible and user-friendly, ultimately fostering stronger connections with potential clients through authenticity and trust building.

You can even try a tool like quillbot to rewrite sentences with a certain reading level in mind.

What Is Next For My Firm’s Website?

In conclusion, optimizing your law firm’s website is essential for staying competitive in today’s digital landscape. 

By removing outdated elements and enhancing user experience, you can create a more engaging and effective online presence that attracts and converts potential clients. 

Let’s recap the nine key areas we’ve discussed:

  1. Ensure clarity in your brand messaging and homepage headlines.
  2. Use specific navigation labels to guide visitors effectively.
  3. Craft engaging subheadings that capture attention and provide value.
  4. Streamline your homepage to prioritize essential information.
  5. Opt for authentic imagery that builds trust with potential clients.
  6. Minimize distractions by strategically placing social media links.
  7. Keep your website content relevant and up-to-date.
  8. Enhance readability by breaking up dense paragraphs and utilizing formatting.
  9. Simplify your language by eliminating excessive legal jargon.

By implementing these changes, you can transform your website into a powerful marketing tool that showcases your expertise and attracts your ideal clients.

Now, it’s time to take action! 

Review your website with a critical eye and identify areas for improvement based on the principles outlined in this article. Whether you choose to make small tweaks or undergo a complete overhaul, remember that every change you make contributes to a more user-friendly and effective online presence for your law firm. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out to IFTS, Inc. or call for assistance if needed.

Your website is your digital face to the world—it’s time to make it shine. Start implementing these strategies today and watch as your online presence grows and flourishes. 

Here’s to a brighter, more successful future for your law firm!

Cupid’s Key to Crafting Valentine’s Day Cards for Your Customers and Clients Using Canva

Valentine’s Day is a special occasion that businesses can leverage to connect with their clients or customers on a personal level. Sending a heartfelt Valentine’s Day card not only shows appreciation for their patronage, but it can also help forge stronger relationships and foster a sense of community. In this guide, you’ll learn how to use Canva, a user-friendly graphic design tool, to create a creative and professional Valentine’s Day card that will leave a lasting impression on your clients or customers.

Choose a Template or Start from Scratch

Canva offers a wide range of Valentine’s Day card templates that can save you time and effort. To access these templates, simply visit Canva’s website and search for “Valentine’s Day card” or a related keyword. Browse through the available templates and select one that best suits your company’s branding and the message you want to convey. If you prefer to start from scratch, click on the “Create a design” button and choose a custom size for your card. A popular choice for Valentine’s Day cards is a 5×7-inch (horizontal or vertical) format, but you can also opt for a standard 4×6-inch card size. 

Add your Brand’s Style

Once you’ve chosen a template or started a new design, it’s time to customize it to reflect your company’s branding and the message you want to convey. Here are some tips to help you create a unique and eye-catching Valentine’s Day card:

  1. Use your brand colors: Add your company’s colors to the card to make it instantly recognizable and reinforce your brand identity. You can do this by selecting the “Color” tool in Canva’s sidebar and choosing your brand’s primary and secondary colors.
  2. Add your company’s logo: Incorporate your company’s logo to make the card more professional and memorable. You can upload your logo to Canva by clicking on the “Uploads” tab on the left-hand sidebar and selecting your logo file. Once uploaded, drag and drop it onto your card design.
  3. Choose an appropriate font: Select a font that complements your brand and the message you want to convey. Canva offers a wide range of fonts, from classic and elegant to modern and playful. Experiment with different fonts and sizes to find the perfect combination for your card.
  4. Add a personalized message: Write a heartfelt and personalized message that expresses your appreciation for your clients or customers. Keep the message concise and focused on the value they bring to your company. You can add text to your card by clicking on the “Text” tab on the left-hand sidebar and selecting a text box.

Customize with Team Photos and Selfies

To add a touch of camaraderie and a personal connection to your Valentine’s Day cards, consider incorporating team selfies into the design. This not only humanizes your brand but also showcases the people behind the business, fostering a sense of familiarity with your clients. To enhance the visual appeal of these selfies, utilize Canva’s background removal feature to eliminate any distractions. This ensures that the focus remains on the team members themselves. Take it a step further by injecting a dose of humor through the addition of fun photo backgrounds to use in your card. Canva’s extensive photo library provides a plethora of options, allowing you to customize the selfies with playful and lighthearted graphic “props” and backdrops. This creative touch not only brings a smile to your clients’ faces but also reinforces a positive and approachable image for your brand.

Add Some Sweet Stickers

Add Valentine’s Day-themed Elements To make your Valentine’s Day card more festive and engaging, consider adding themed elements such as hearts, flowers, or Cupid. Canva offers a vast library of Valentine’s Day-themed graphics and illustrations that you can use to enhance your card design. Here’s how to access and add these elements to your card:

  1. Search for Valentine’s Day elements: On the left-hand sidebar, click on the “Elements” tab and type “Valentine’s Day” or a related keyword into the search bar. Browse through the available elements and select those that best suit your card design.
  2. Customize the elements: Once you’ve added an element to your card, you can customize it by changing its color, size, and orientation. To do this, select the element and use the options in the top toolbar to make your desired changes.

Change out the Font For a Festive Feel

Typography can elevate the overall design of your Valentine’s Day card. Experiment with different fonts to find a combination that complements your message and aligns with your brand. Canva provides a variety of font options, including script, serif, and sans-serif styles. The possibilities are endless!

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Take your Valentine’s Day card to the next level by adding a QR code that links to a personalized video message or a special offer. This interactive element adds a modern touch and engages your clients in a unique way. Canva allows you to generate QR codes and seamlessly integrate them into your design.

Once you’re satisfied with your Valentine’s Day card design, it’s time to bring it to life. Canva offers printing services, or you can download the design and print it locally. Consider factors such as paper quality and finish to ensure the final product meets your expectations.

Decide on the most effective way to distribute your Valentine’s Day cards to clients. If you have a physical office, hand-delivering cards adds a personal touch. Alternatively, mailing cards with a personalized note shows thoughtfulness and consideration. Canva also allows you to create digital versions that can be sent via email or shared on social media.

There You Have It!

Sending Valentine’s Day cards to your clients is a meaningful gesture that strengthens your professional relationships. With Canva’s user-friendly interface and versatile design features, you can easily create personalized and visually appealing cards that reflect your appreciation. Follow this comprehensive guide to craft memorable Valentine’s Day cards that leave a lasting impression on your clients and contribute to the growth of your business.

Need some help with your marketing strategy? 

Give IFTS a call at 412-559-7177 or email us at si@iftsdesign.com 

Santa’s Little Helpers Unleashed: Creating Cheerful Company Christmas Cards with Canva

‘Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to sprinkle some holiday cheer into the workplace than by creating company Christmas cards that are not only festive but also pretty fun?

In this blog post, we’re diving into the whimsical world of Canva, sharing some little nuggets of inspiration and tips on how to craft the most memorable Christmas cards for your colleagues and clients. 

Whether you’re aiming for a classic or a more modern approach, Canva’s wide range of templates and design tools will surely help you unleash your creativity and spread some laughter this holiday season. So grab a cup of hot cocoa, put on your Santa hat, and let’s get started on making the most unforgettable company Christmas cards yet!

Step 1: Rally the Team’s Christmas Spirit

Call upon your crew to unleash their inner holiday spirit! Whether they’re donning ugly sweaters, tinsel tiaras, or even elf ears, encourage them to embrace the festive madness and capture it all in a group photo.

But what If your team isn’t local, or maybe everyone is too busy to gather for a group photo, don’t worry! You can create a virtual group photo! Simply upload individual photos of your team members–we’ll show you in the next steps how to arrange and edit them in a festive layout to capture the spirit of togetherness, even from afar. This is a great way for busy teams to still feel connected and celebrate the holiday season together!

Step 2: Canva Wonderland

Enter the magical world of Canva, where the Christmas design possibilities are as vast as Santa’s toy workshop. Before we can get to the actual editing, you’ll need to choose a template, or background, that really —whether it’s a classic design or a more modern twist—and get ready to sprinkle some digital fairy dust. Consider your audience and your company’s style when selecting the backdrop for your creation.

Step 3: Elfie Upload Extravaganza

Now, it’s time to really showcase your team’s holiday spirit! Upload that group photo or the individual elfies—I mean, selfies—right into Canva and start arranging them like the cast of a Hallmark holiday rom-com. Canva’s drag-and-drop feature makes this as easy as sliding down a snow-covered hill.

But wait, how do we make the images really pop? Let’s get rid of the office background with Canva’s photo editing tools. Use the background remover and add some fun filters or overlays to give the images that extra touch of holiday magic. With Canva’s editing tools, you can transform your boring photos into a digital masterpiece that will make your card recipients really feel the holiday cheer!

Step 4: Jingle All the Way with Festive Elements

With Canva’s extensive collection of festive elements, you can take your holiday card to the next level. Whether it’s adding a touch of sparkle with twinkling lights or bringing in a line of some playful snowmen, the possibilities are endless. And of course, don’t forget to include Santa hats and elf ears for that extra dose of holiday cheer! Get ready to spread joy to all with your personalized masterpiece.

Simply select an element, drag and drop it onto your card, and resize or rotate it to fit your desired look. You can also customize the color, opacity, and position of each element to create a truly unique design. With Canva’s easy-to-use interface, you’ll have a blast experimenting with different combinations and creating a holiday card that stands out from the rest. So go ahead, have fun, and let your imagination run wild as you bring your holiday greetings to life!

Step 5: Jolly Jokes and Yuletidy Text

What’s a Christmas card without a dash of humor? Whether you’re aiming for a laugh-out-loud moment or a subtle chuckle, Canva’s text tools offer endless possibilities for adding humor to your holiday card. From playful fonts to creative text effects, you can easily transform your words into comedic masterpieces that will leave your recipients in stitches. So go ahead and craft a message that really sleighs—I mean, slays!

Not your style, or do you need something more professional? Canva’s text tools also offer a wide range of elegant and sophisticated fonts, allowing you to create a more professional and polished holiday card. You can find the perfect typography to convey your warm wishes in a classy and refined manner.

It really is a gingersnap to get your company’s holiday greeting cards customized quickly. So go ahead and let your creativity shine, whether it’s through humor or professionalism; Canva has got you covered!